Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Illustration Friday :: FLAWED

So, this is a portrait of a friend's awesome Boston Terrier, Eiffle. Eiffle is flawed in ways which make him not fit to show for his breed, too big, nose is too long, and most adorably, he has one ear that just refuses to stand up. We all think these are the traits that make him the most adorable Boston Terrier ever. (on the whole, the breed is kind of funny looking!)

The fact that he's in blue isn't really significant, I jsut happened to have a blue pencil in my hand when the idea hit me.


INDIGENE said...

You've gotta strike when the feeling hits, blue or no blue, it works! :)

Focus_ret said...

He's delightful.

Caroline said...

What a lovely drawing!

Scott McCracken said...

Dizzle! You've captured his quirkiness perfectly. It's his strange characteristics that make him so special.