Tuesday, February 02, 2010

the weekend in review

The weekend was quiet as I am still recovering from the ills and trying to keep the husband from catching anything. Despite the extreme cold (it was only 17ยบ!) I spied my daffodils trying to peek up trough the dirt, but I piled more mulch up on them and told them to sleep for at least another month. There was lotion and perfume-making, great BBQ here, dog sitting (the adorable golden boy is named Bailey) and much snuggling with our dog, Kitty. I'm looking forward to a week of freelance and some quality time with my Burpee catalog doing some garden-planning.

1 comment:

Scott McCracken said...

What a great idea! Love the photo review of the weekend, I may steal this idea ;o)

I hope you're feeling better and that there is much relaxing in your future.