Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I come bearing art!

So yeah, that last comment about trying to get into a rythm of posting twice a week? Didn't work out so well! As you can see that was the middle of April and it's now the beginning of June!

BUT, I am including some art. These are some paintings I did a few years ago now but that I really like, I was on a red fruit/vegetable kick for a while, and I think I'd like to pick it back up again. It started with a pear I brought to work and a boss who said my pear was to gorgeous to eat, and that I really should take it home and paint it. . .so I did! And then a few weeks later I opened a bunch of radishes and there was this teeny tiny little radish nestled in the middle. It was just too cute to eat, so i had to paint it too! There are more red paintings, perhaps that will be a theme here for a while. . .

Maybe I'll frame the radish, I might hang it in my kitchen. . .

Ok, more soon, I promise!

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