Tuesday, February 09, 2010


I had fallen of the wagon for a bit after a parade of illnesses, but I'm back on now! I really love the yoga studio I attend, not just because I can walk there from my house (when it's not freezing out!) but because it's small, intimate, and very focused.

Metrowest Yoga is one big room, only one class at a time. The focus is the mind-body-spirit connection, but not in a preachy everyone-should-become-an-earthy-crunchy-zen-vegan kind of way. The way they offer their spiritual wisdoms are unobtrusive, just instructors trying to help us each see a new way of being or thinking. They feel like gentle guidence, gifts, not imposed expectations.

I love that it feels like a place of intention and healing and wellness. It's not like a yoga class at a gym-no spandex bunnies and thumping workout music pounding in the room next door. Everyone enters and becomes hushed and reverent, smiling and speaking softly. For me it slows down time and reminds me to just BE.

Also, now that it is almost Wednesday (I go to class on Sunday mornings) the stiffness is wearing out of my muscles and I can focus on the joy it brings me and not just the physical butt-kicking! Anyone who thinks yoga is not a serious workout has obviously never been to the classes I go to!

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